jueves, 1 de julio de 2021

Hi everybody!

Honestly, I do not admire anyone in my area as I have not found anyone who calls my attention for their achievements or for what they think. I feel that to admire someone, this person must encourage movement, change or motivate me to achieve my dreams or somenthing that I look forward to with great desire. However, I admire the people I love and who surround me on a daily basis and people from other areas. One of these people is Matias de Stefano, an activist known around the world for this ability to remember past lives and who travels through diffeent countries to give talks and workshops in order to share and transmit his knowledge about the evolution of the earth and the universe.

Matias was born in August 1987 in Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe. He is one of the many children who were born from 1987 onwars with the mission of bringing and anchoring the new consciousness.

Bye,see you next time!💗

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Hi everybody! Honestly, I do not admire anyone in my area as I have not found anyone who calls my attention for their achievements or for wh...